Score: 7 out of 10 Languages and Audio The same Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack offered on the standard-definition disc is included here as well. The overall look of the film in 2-D is a bit softer and flatter than can be expected from this level of technically advanced filmmaking, but that could be due to the process of converting the film from the original 3-D. On the downside, the CGI sequences look even more cartoonish and obviously fake in high-definition, and they're not well integrated into the live action. It also handles the bright color palette - ranging from nearly fluorescent purples to neon blue, green and pink - with no problems. As for the 2-D version, the one that most people are likely to spend the most time with, the image is pristine without a hint of digital flaws.

It's actually kind of a pain to sit through the entire film wearing the uncomfortable cardboard glasses included in the package. Every square inch of the screen comes to life before your eyes in startling color, contrast and sharpness, but the novelty wears off quickly. You know you're already going to get a pretty well-defined picture with Blu-ray, and the 3-D version takes that even further. Video and Presentation Both the 2-D and 3-D versions of the film are included here on a single dual-layer disc (minus the fullscreen version that appeared on the two-sided standard-definition release) and are presented in the original theatrical aspect ratio of 1.85:1.
CLICK HERE to read the full Journey to the Center of the Earth review by Jim Vejvoda. Hannah's dad was also a Vernian so she is skeptical of Trevor and Sean's quest to find the center of the Earth. Trevor and Sean come to Iceland to discover what happened to Max, but they become lost and must hire a local mountain guide, Hannah (Anita Briem), to help them find the volcanic site Max was at when he disappeared. Trevor discovers that his brother was a "Vernian," someone who believed the writings of Jules Verne were actual fact rather than science fiction. Sean's dad, Max, disappeared in Iceland a few years earlier on a field expedition to study volcanic activity.